Terms & Conditions



Terms of Service

Shopperx Mart 9ja (“We”) is an ecommerce platform which consist of a Website and Mobile Application (“Platform”). A platform where sellers showcase and sell their goods and services, Job Centre: where employers and Job Seekers interact, and Call Me Out Service:  where service providers advertise their services (Shopperx World). In addition, Shopperx Mart 9ja also provides logistics and financial technology payment infrastructure for the purchase and sale of goods and services and integrated with multilingual translator.

This terms and conditions shall apply to sellers and service providers on the platform and shall govern your access to and use of the services via one or more accounts and it’s an agreement between you or the business, or other legal entity you represent (“You”) and Shopperx Mart 9ja (“Agreement”). By signing up or utilizing our services, you (the signee or on behalf of the business, or other legal entity you represent) Agree that you are bound by the terms and conditions of this agreement, plus and /or including any other services signed up or use in connection with our Website / Mobile Application

Terms as used in the agreement above:

Shopperx World”, “We”, “us”, refers to Shopperx Mart 9ja in the terms of service and “You” refers to the applicant (when signing up or utilizing our service as individual) or the business the applicant represents or employed (when signing up or utilizing our service as business)

By using Shopperx Mart 9ja website / Mobile Application / Shopperx World or services in any way, you accept and shall abide with the terms and conditions put in place. We reserve the right to amend, modify any part of the terms and conditions at any time with or without prior notification, if for any reason you do not agree with any portion of this agreement, or you are not authorised or eligible or legally bounded by the terms and conditions, YOU MUST NOT USE OUR WEBSITE / MOBILE APP OR SERVICES.

  • Selling on our platform

1.1 Customer Account Opening and Registration / Sign up

  1. An account is mandatory in order to operate on our website / Mobile App, each individual or an authorised representative of a business or legal entity is required to sign up for an account or accounts by providing a complete and accurate information depending on the services preferred without relying on any oral or written representations from Shopperx Mart 9ja employees rather than on your own initiative.  
  2. Any individual willing to use our website / mobile application must meet our eligibility requirement of at least 18 years of age in order to maintain an account. All users who are still of the minor age in any jurisdiction must be directly supervised and consented by their parents or guardians to our terms and conditions before using our website / mobile application and services. Shopperx Mart 9ja reserves the right to terminate and cancel your account and any affiliation with us when notified or discovered that you are not eligible as per our requirement.
  3. An individual customer account may be used solely to purchase or access products and / or services on Shopperx World and also used as a means of holding and transferring funds to a nominated bank account. Business customer account must only be used in the context of your own business or trade and not as a consumer or for general and household use. 
  4. As part of the registration process, you are required to create a password and user name, give personal demographics such as your legal (or business) name, main address, email address, fax number, telephone number and other information (customer service contact, business profile, value added tax (VAT) number et al) that may be requested by law must be provided. 
  5. Your user name / email address and password that you created will be solely used to gain access into our Website / Mobile Application or services and also provide a ground of communicate between Shopperx Mart 9ja and you. As a form of precautions in tightening the security of our customer’s account, you may be required to go through extra security or given access code to use in conjunction with your password to gain access into your account.
  6. For verification purpose, Shopperx Mart 9ja may request more information to verify you and /or your business in order to provide or continue using our services.
  7. The agreement for the use of our services is concluded when a message is sent to the email address provided at registration after receipt of your application. The confirmation email signifies our acceptance of your application.
  8. You agree that you are solely responsible for the protection and maintenance of the confidentiality of the access data to your Account and fully liable for any activity performed using your account access information.
  9. Registration information should be updated promptly in the event of a change so that it is complete and accurate at all times, any updates to your registration details can be reflected in other accounts with us.
  10. You shall (agree to) notify us of any suspected or unauthorised usage of any sort or breach of security of your account. We will not be held responsible or liable for any loss or damage due to your failure of compliance with our terms and conditions.
  11. Your account is not transferable to any third party and the usage shall only be your responsibility, but In the event a third party you nominated manages your account on your behalf, it will be at your own risk.
  12. Shopperx Mart 9ja reserves the right to suspend or terminate your (or business) Account, or your (or business) access to the Service, with or without prior notice, in the event of infringement of our terms and conditions.
  13. You may at any time cancel your account when necessary or request reactivation when all issues concerning suspension of your account have been resolved, by contacting us via email or contact Us.
  14. If your account becomes dormant for twenty-four (24) months, and you are left with some balance, Shopperx Mart 9ja will write to you through your email address and await a response within thirty (30) days, whether to disburse, keep the account open (according to our terms) or convert the balance to points to be used on Shopperx World. If no response after the time limitation, your account will be closed automatically and the balance will be converted to points

1.2 Selling on Shopperx Mart 9ja Roles and Responsibilities

  1. Shopperx Mart 9ja is a platform where users can offer, accept, manage, conclude, buy, sell and fulfil orders for the provision of goods and services online. Apart from handling payments from sales for goods and services for you, Shopperx Mart 9ja is not involved in any specific transaction between a buyer and seller


  1. Shopperx Mart 9ja is not a party to any sales contract or neither a buyer nor seller of any goods or services offered for sale on our platform


  1. Shopperx Mart 9ja has no power and will not be held responsible or liable for goods and services in terms of availability, quality, safety, and legality when an item is advertised on our platform.


  1. You agree that we hold, receive and disburse funds in accordance with your payment instructions (without prejudice to the provisions of this Agreement).


  1. We do not intervene in disputes between buyers and you or impose an agreement of any sales


  1. As a seller, all transactions or records of sales and services performed by you on Shopperx World belongs to you.


  1. Payment of goods and / or services is completed when the buyer pays Shopperx Mart 9ja in full on your behalf for any item purchased on the Platform.


  1. Shopperx Mart 9ja does not in any way accept partial deposits


  1. Shopperx Mart 9ja does not act on behalf of or as a trustee of either the buyer or you


  1. Shopperx Mart 9ja may outsource one or more services to third parties and that you consented 


  1. For your information to be handled by third parties for the purpose required if the need arise.


  1. You are not permitted to operate as an intermediary, payment service provider or resell goods and services on behalf of a third party. Shopperx Mart 9ja may investigate your sellers account for whatever reason without limitation for any violation of our terms or compliant from a third party. 
  2. It is your responsibility for determining all taxes on goods and services purchased on our platform (Shopperx Mart 9ja) without limitation, also your duty to collect, report and transmit the correct taxes to the tax authority in your jurisdiction.

All personal data provided will be treated in accordance with Shopperx Mart 9ja privacy policy and to find out how we and our affiliates use and protect your personal information while using our Website / Mobile Application or services, please refer to our privacy policy


1.3 Verification of Users

For verification purpose, Shopperx Mart 9ja may request more information to verify you and /or your business in order to provide or continue using our services. While we have a duty in verifying your (or business) identity, we do not or cannot give a guarantee of any user’s identity. You are advised to use common sense and other measures while dealing on the platform.

1.4 Customer service

In regards to the services or service subscribed to with Shopperx Mart 9ja, relying on the terms of such service(s), you shall be entirely responsible as a separate body for all customer service related issue such as (pricing, item availability, information, functionality, warranty, sales, technical support, and issuance of sales and VAT invoice), fulfilment of orders (handling and shipping (logistics)), cancellation of order either by you or the buyer, goods returns, refunds and any feedback concerning customers experience and /or satisfaction of your goods, processes and policies. Shopperx Mart 9ja will only provide customer service for payment; debiting and crediting of account, card processing and chargeback OR any of our prime customers

  • Payment Settlement

2.1 Payments 

Shopperx Mart 9ja will use the bank account you supplied at registration to accept payments from buyers for the purchase of goods or services sold by yourself (or business) via our platform. 

The funds that will be made available and transfer to your account will be the exact gross amount from the purchase of goods or services received from the buyer’s bank or card issuer or other payment methods accepted by us, whichever is authorised for the transaction, less all fees pertinent to Shopperx Mart 9ja and/or its affiliates under these terms and conditions. 

Cards duly authorised by the appropriate issuer will only be processed and does not guarantee that payment for the transaction will be collected, or the transaction might be subject to a chargeback, or card owner is not permitted to use the card. 

Be aware funds held in your account will not receive any interest or other earnings and do not qualify for a deposit guarantee scheme. We may add / remove any payment methods or cards accepted by us without prior notification. 

2.2 Order processing

Shopperx Mart 9ja will determine the timeframe payments and refunds for your transaction(s) will be processed, all transactions will be processed when submitted via our service, except in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

We may decline to process some of or any of your transactions when suspected or discovered to be fraudulent, illegal or otherwise contrary to the terms of this agreement. 

Transactions fully authorise and initiated by you will be processed within a business working day. 

You will be sent a notification within a legal timeframe if for any reason we decline to process any transaction and state the reasons in clear terms and the procedure for correction of any error that led to the refusal

If for any reason we decline or make a mistake in processing a transaction, Shopperx Mart 9ja will upon request investigate further and will forward the result to you without a charge

2.3 Delivery Errors and Defects; Product Recalls

As part of our terms you are solely responsible for goods and services not delivered, incorrect delivery, theft, error of any kind, or act within the framework of any fulfilment and delivery, with the exception originated from card payment fraud which is our responsibility, and failure to pass any information of transaction(s) received  to you by us.

You are responsible for any defect in or any public or private recall (call back) of, any of your goods or services; you are required to inform us immediately when any of your goods or services is the subject of public or private recall

2.4 Returns and refunds

You agree to accept and process returns, refunds and any adjustments including taxes for your goods or services in line with any applicable laws and your policies during the time of a related sale.

All refund payments will be processed through our site using your account and we shall credit the designated account and you will reimburse the amount refunded back to us accordingly.

Shopperx Mart 9ja does not have any responsibility or are obliged to receive any returns of your goods or services.

2.5 Dealing with card refunds

Provide an equitable policy for the return of goods or services 

Buyers to be enlighten of your return policies at the point of every sale

Do not accept cash as a means of refund for a transaction made with card payment for your goods or services 

In any case, when a refund is initiated, the buyer will be reimbursed the exact amount paid for the goods or services pending the return of the goods or services and will be responsible for the postage / logistic back to you

In the course of exchange of any of your goods or services, you must reimburse the total amount for the goods or services and complete a new transaction for any goods or services that might be of interest to the buyer.

If your refund policy forbids returns or is not satisfactory to the buyer, you may receive a chargeback related to these sales.

2.6 Reserve

Your account shall have a minimum balance known as Reserve for the purpose of securing any risk (such as chargebacks / credit risk) or payments due to us while executing our service to you according to this agreement. Without prior notification, Reserve in your account may be taken at any time or may be funded from the balance in your account and use to offset any amount you owe us.


2.7 Disbursement

We shall disburse your funds automatically through electronic transfer into your account within seven (7) consecutive working days after the first business day when the sales were completed and upon confirmation of delivery of the goods or service by the buyer and return expiration period if applicable or agreement within your policy.

In some circumstances payment may take longer when goods or services ordered in certain locations or jurisdictions do not meet the seven (7) working day requirement for disbursement due to delivery and/or return policy.

Shopperx Mart 9ja may restrict access, balance availability and transactions to or from your account pending a complete investigation and resolution; if any part of our terms and condition are breached, if we cannot verify your identity, if your bank account falls short of acceptance or comply with our policy, if any dispute exists in your account or transactions, if we deem it fit to protect the security of our systems, If required by  law, court of competent jurisdiction, or any constitutional authority, in order to protect our establishment and other users.

If you are in doubt or believe any transactional error have been spotted on your account, you must notify us immediately, so that we can conduct our investigation to put your account back to the required state. You also authorise us to initiate a credit or debit back into your account or bank account of any correction as applicable by law. If on the contrary, we are unable to debit your account, you give authorisation to resubmit the debit (or in case of our or affiliate fees for the service provided) to any other account you have on file with us. Refunds can only be made available if and only if the transaction is reported within 12 months after the contract of sale date.

  • Chargeback

3.1 Chargeback

A Chargeback can occur when a transaction amount is reversed to your account due to the following factors; buyer’s dispute, unauthorised transaction, suspicious or unlawful or in violation of our terms and by any other reason. Shopperx Mart 9ja will only bear the risk of card fraud that occurs from payment transactions made to you by buyers on our platform while you bear any other risk or loss in connection with your goods or services sold on or via the platform that are not fulfilled by us or fulfilment in accordance with the processed order and shipment that Shopperx Mart 9ja and its affiliates, provided and made available to you.

3.2 Chargeback collection

When a transaction results in Chargeback, we will retain the chargeback amount in the reserve and subtract the amount of the chargeback and any relevant fees associated with the process from your bank account or other payment methods you registered with us. In a case where we are unable to collect funds due to a chargeback for which you are accountable under this term and agreement, full payment of the chargeback will be paid by you when demanded. All expenses, including, without limitation, legal fees incurred during the cause of collecting the entire account shortfall unpaid by you or your business. If for any reason a payment could not be collected, you will completely assign Shopperx Mart 9ja all rights, title and interest you have in and related with the debt, by agreeing to provide information and documentation we may require in order to determine and assign such right, title or interest. 


3.3 Chargeback in Excess on accounts

When we established you have incurred multiple chargebacks on your account, we may put in place measures to control your account by:

Reducing withdrawal and sending benefits on your account.

Suspending or terminating of our service to you.

Initiate a processing fee.

Set up a reserve in an account to cover all fees including chargeback.

3.4 Investigating Chargebacks

We may request your assistance any time and at your expense when investigating a chargeback transaction processed via our service.

  • Intellectual property

Shopperx Mart 9ja is the sole owner or legitimate owner of all rights and interests in our Website/Mobile App and its content. The Website/ Mobile App and its Content contain trade secrets and other intellectual property rights protected by worldwide copyright and other laws. All title, ownership rights and intellectual property rights in and to the Website/Mobile App and its content remain with Shopperx Mart 9ja, our affiliates or our licensors, as applicable. All rights not otherwise claimed under the Terms or by Shopperx Mart 9ja are reserved.

All icons and logos are registered trademarks or trademarks or service marks of Shopperx Mart 9ja and its affiliates across all jurisdictions and are protected by applicable copyright, trademark and other proprietary legislation. Any Unauthorised copying, modifying, using or publishing of these or any part of the trademarks is strictly prohibited without permission.

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, any rights, titles and interests in any derivative works created by Shopperx Mart 9ja and/or its affiliates using User Content under the Terms will be the property of Shopperx Mart 9ja which may be freely transferable, granted or granted by Shopperx Mart 9ja to any third parties or their affiliates.

Shopperx Mart 9ja may have independent third parties involved in providing Shopperx Mart 9ja Website/Mobile App or Services (such as, authentication and verification service providers). You may not use any trademark, service mark or logo of independent third parties without the prior written consent of such parties.

  • Force Majeure

Shopperx Mart 9ja shall not be liable or required to pay compensation of any kind for any loss arising from the inconvenience, unavailability or failure of the Services or systems as specified below:

  1. Transmission of data as a result of malfunctions in communications stations or communications equipment;
  2. Shutting down the system for maintenance;
  3. Non-functioning of the system (system failure) due to force majeure events such as earthquakes, fires, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis, power outages, storms, political unrest, labor strikes, shortages of labor or materials, riots, insurrections, civil disturbances, attacks terrorist, bombings, war, acts of God, government actions, orders of domestic or foreign courts or tribunals, non-performance of third parties; or
  4. Suspension or delay of services or systems failure for reasons beyond the reasonable control of Shopperx Mart 9ja such as hackers, cyber-attacks, technical modifications, communications department failures, website upgrades, third party problems, or any suspension or disruption of transmission or business operations (delaying or disrupting the resumption of work or operation ordered by any governmental agencies) in the event of an epidemic, pandemic or natural disaster at the regional or national level.
  5. Termination of services for any reason.
  • Limitation of Liability

The services provided by Shopperx Mart 9ja on or through its Website/Mobile App is “AS IS”, “AS AVAILABLE” and “WITH ANY DEFECTS” as permitted by applicable law. Shopperx Mart 9ja Disclaims if any or all Warranties, Expressed or Implied, including, without limitation, any Warranties of Condition, Durability, Performance, Precision, Quality, Reliability, Merchantability or Fitness for one particular goal. Any such Warranties, Representations, Terms and Commitments are excluded.

Shopperx Mart 9ja makes NO Representations OR Warranties on any information such as Accuracy, Completeness, Correctness, Current, Validity, Quality, Reliability, and Stability provided on or through the Website/Mobile App. Shopperx Mart 9ja NEITHER Represents NOR Warrants that the, Manufacture, Import, Export, Distribution, Offer, Display, Purchase, Sale AND/OR use of Products OR Services Offered OR Displayed on the Website/Mobile App shall not constitute a third-party infringement. Shopperx Mart 9ja does not make ANY Representations OR Representations in relation to ANY Product OR Service offered OR Warranties posted on the Website/Mobile App.

Both parties are only liable for damages incurred through intentional misconduct or gross negligence. In the event of minor neglect, the parties are responsible only for injuries to life, body or health; OR a predictable damage that typically occur as a result of breach of a fundamental contractual obligation.

  • Indemnification

You agree to indemnify and hold harmless shopper mart 9ja and all affiliates providing service for us from and against any kinds of claims or liabilities that may arise or other issues in connection with any policy violation, breach of representations, warranties and responsibilities laid down in this Agreement, any activities carried out while using our service, any third party’s right violation or applications used in conjunction with our service whether direct or indirect.

  • General Terms of users Agreement

This users Agreement, including without limitation all Policies, constitutes the entire terms of the agreement between you and Shopperx Mart 9ja with respect to all subject matter of this Agreement, and supersedes all prior agreements, claims, representations, and understandings of the parties in connection with the subject matter of this users Agreement. Modification of this users Agreement will be binding only when presented in a written document signed by us.

If any part or section of this users Agreement is held to be void, invalid or nonbinding, such proviso shall be extruded and shall not in any way affect the validity and enforceability of other parts of the provision.

  • Complaint Process

We shall provide quality and robust service during our relationship with you. If for any reason you wish to make a complaint about any of our service, you can do so. A resolution mechanism has been put in place through a process such that the customer service team will pick up your complaint and try to resolve it. If you are not satisfied, the resolution team will intervene and investigate the matter further within 48hrs and come out with a resolution. In the circumstances that you are still not comfortable with our response, the resolution team manager, who is the final ranking member will endeavour to resolve all issues within 3 days


